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JOHN ROTHFUSZ, PASTOR - Phone 779-901-0803;  email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Dear Friends in Christ,

At the start of a new year, I would like to share this story:

The emperor was riding through his land when he saw a very old man digging in the earth to plant trees. "Old man," the emperor shouted, "surely you don't expect to eat the fruit of the trees that you are planting." "I have not given up hope," the old man answered. "While I have strength I will do my duty." "How old are you?" the emperor inquired. "I am 100 years old," the planter said. "God, who granted me longevity, may even allow me to eat the fruit of these trees. But in any case, when I plant trees I am merely imitating God's act of creation when he ordered that the earth bring forth fruit-bearing trees." (Genesis 1:11)

"Promise me," the emperor said, “that if you are alive when these trees bear figs you will let me know." Several years later when the trees produced fruit, the old man loaded a basket of figs and made his way to the king's palace. When he arrived at the gate, he was initially refused admission, but due to his persistence and his old age, he was granted an audience with the king.

"I am the old man you saw planting trees several years ago," he told the emperor. "I have brought a basket full of figs which I plucked from the trees you saw me planting." So pleased was the emperor with his gift that he accepted the fruit and ordered that the basket be filled with coins. Then he addressed the old man, "Go home, good friend, and continue to participate with almighty God in the act of creation." (From Stories for the Journey, William R. White)

This old Jewish story may have been the inspiration for Martin Luther to say that if he heard that the world would end tomorrow, he would plant a tree. Our calling as people of faith is to be good stewards and caretakers of all that God gives us, in every moment that we are given. We want to use the time and resources we have just as God would use them.

Our lives are full of uncertainty. Our government and leaders are unpredictable, and the world is filled with many crises. We don’t know what the future will hold, for our jobs or the shape of our community. Our church can sometimes face budget struggles as we try to do ministry together. There is much that could make us worry or fret, but also many ways for us to serve and make our world better.

In the end, none of us knows how long we will live, or how long it will be until the Lord returns to take us home. A new year draws our thoughts to wonder what to expect in the days to come. Will God give us new and unexpected opportunities to serve, or will the Lord call us home? Whatever may come, we can be sure that God will be with us, to guide and strengthen us on our way. The Lord is faithful, and we can rely on God’s faithfulness all the more in times of fear and uncertainty.

Like the old man in the story, none of us know what lies ahead. But we have the choice whether to passively sit back and wait for the future to happen to us, or to step forth in faith to work with God to create the good future that the Lord envisions. In the mean time, we can plant a tree, or show love to a child, or make many other kinds of investments in faith. We may or may not live to see them all bear fruit, but we can be sure that we are participating in God’s work of bringing life and hope to the world. Let us leave a legacy of faith in our words and deeds for all who will come after us.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor John Rothfusz

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